
Announcement on Information Security Measures

We have recently re-evaluated our information management system. We have reviewed the measures in place for the secure management of personal data and the current state of our information security operations, ensuring that they are appropriately implemented in accordance with our Personal Information Protection Policy and Basic Information Security Policy. We are pleased to report these findings.

Additionally, as an information service provider, we adhere to the following fundamental principles:

  • We regard the assurance of information security as our highest priority and address this at the management level throughout the entire organization.
  • All executives and employees are committed to maintaining high ethical standards and compliance with laws, government regulations, contracts with customers and business partners, as well as other standards and internal regulations. We continually work on improving these systems.
  • In the event of any incidents that threaten information security, we conduct thorough cause analysis, develop and implement measures to prevent recurrence.

We will continue to strive to maintain and enhance our information security measures to ensure our customers can use our services with confidence.
